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Culture Moves Europe - call for residency hosts

15 Jun 2023

What is the residency action and who can apply?

The Culture Moves Europe residency action provides financial support to organisations and artists registered as legal entities, in one of the 40 Creative Europe countries.

The purpose of the grant is to welcome international artists and cultural professionals at your premises to implement a residency project. The participating artists and cultural professionals must be legal residents in a Creative Europe country that is different from the host’s country.

Specifically, the residency action targets legal entities (e.g. non-for-profit, private, public bodies, foundations, etc.) that are active in the sectors of

  • architecture
  • cultural heritage
  • design and fashion design
  • literary translation
  • music
  • performing arts
  • visual arts

With this grant, Creative Europe supports your efforts of giving an international profile to your activities either if you are an established organisation or just one that has been recently founded.

What the residency action is for?

You can apply for funding for a residency project with a proposal that includes its objectives, expected impact and duration. You will act as a mentor to artists and cultural professionals: you should provide the environment, support and equipment adapted to their field of expertise, so that they can focus on their individual or collective projects.

The residency project should pursue one or two of the following objectives:

To explore

To conduct research, to investigate and work on a specific theme or a new concept.

To create

To engage in a collective creative process seeking to produce a new piece of artistic/cultural work.

To learn

To enhance the participants’ competences through non-formal learning or collaboration with a specialist.

To connect

To develop a network, to strengthen the participants’ professional development.

To transform

To enable societal change in line with the New European Bauhaus values and principles.

You can welcome between 1 and 5 international artists and cultural professionals who must all participate in the residency project on the same dates and for the same duration. The residency can last between 22 and 300 days.

When applying, you must choose one of the following durations:

  • short-term residency project: between 22 and 60 days
  • medium-term residency project: between 61 and 120 days
  • long-term residency project: between 121 and 300 days

What does the residency grant support exactly?

The residency grant contributes to the costs connected to hosting international artists and cultural professionals and their mobility.

Hosting costs

This financial support contributes to the expenses of your organisation for implementing the residency project. It is a fixed amount of €35 per day, per participating artist or cultural professional to cover their accommodation, mentoring fees, equipment, etc.

Mobility grant

The mobility grant includes travel allowance and daily allowance for the participating artists and cultural professionals. It is part of the residency grant which you will receive from Culture Moves Europe after selection and signature of the grant agreement.

However, these amounts and the optional top-ups should be allocated and transferred to each participant by your organisation. The amount per participants is calculated depending on their individual travel plan and needs.

Travel allowance

The travel allowance depends on the participants’ travel distance and means of transportation. The distance between their place of residence and the location of the residency is calculated automatically in the online application process. Check the distance calculator for reference information.

Travel distance less than 600 km: standard amount of €350

Travelling by airplane is not permitted. It is only possible in justified exceptions:

  • for persons with disabilities
  • if participants travel from or to an island with no ferry connections
  • due to a force majeure or grave personal circumstances
Travel distance 600 – 5 000 km: standard amount of €350

Participants can choose whether to travel by airplane or another means of transportation.

Travel distance 5 001 km and more: standard amount of €700

Participants can choose whether to travel by airplane or another means of transportation.

Daily allowance

The daily allowance is a fixed amount of €25 per day, per participant artist or cultural professional. It can be used, for example, for food expenses, local transport etc.


The top-ups are based on each artist or cultural professionals’ individual situation and needs. They are provided in addition to the mobility grant, and you should give the amount to the participant. The amounts are fixed and can be added cumulatively. Proof for each top-up is requested.

Green top-up: €350

If participants don't travel by airplane (round-trip). Only applicable for distances above 600 km/per one way trip. (If participants travel by airplane, Culture Moves Europe will pay a contribution to the CO2 compensation fund Atmosfair on their behalf).

Overseas Countries and Territories or Outermost Regions top-ups: €150

For travelling to or from Overseas Countries and Territories or Outermost Regions. Both way of the travel.

Visa top-up: €80

For expenses related to visa processes.

Disability support: up to €75 per day, per participant.

The scheme offers disability support to artists and cultural professionals whose disabilities affect their ability to carry out the mobility project. Budget to be agreed with the Culture Moves Europe team according to individual needs.

Family top-up: €100

Support for persons with children below the age of 10. The amount is fixed, regardless of the number of children.

What are the evaluation criteria?

The application will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

Does the residency project provide an appropriate support to participants? For example, regarding planning, the environment, accommodation, etc.

Is the selection process of the participating artists and cultural professionals clearly detailed and justified?

Does the host act as a mentor and collaborator with the participating artists and cultural professionals?

Is the residency project relevant to the applicants’ work and activities as well as to Culture Moves Europe’s objectives?

Has the residency project long-term impact and benefits? For example for both host and participants, on local and/or national artistic and cultural ecosystem/sector.

Does the project take sustainability into consideration?

Timeline and application process

The application process consists of two phases. During phase 1 the focus is on the application and selection of residency hosts. Successful applicants proceed to the second phase during which they select and confirm the artists and cultural professionals who participate in their residency projects. This step leads to the final calculation of the residency grant and signature of the grant agreement between the host and the Goethe-Institut.

Selected residency projects must be carried out and completed within 1 year from the signature of the grant agreement.

Within two weeks after the end of the residency, you must fill out the residency report to summarise the outcomes of the project. You also have to provide supporting documents proving the residency took place, such as transportation tickets, visa requests, pictures, etc.

Culture Moves Europe’s residency action will offer four open calls between spring 2023 and autumn 2024. The first call was open from 15 March until 15 June 2023. The next call will open in October 2023.

All processes of Culture Moves Europe are carried out in English, including application, grant agreement and residency report. However, language skills are not rated in the project evaluation and you are welcome to make use of an online translation tool if this helps you.

Please note that you can only apply once in every call period and that you can re-apply in the next calls to receive Culture Moves Europe residency grant. You can receive several time a residency grant, as long as it is for a different project and with different participating artists and cultural professionals.

How to apply?

Culture Moves Europe is implemented by the Goethe-Institut on behalf of the European Commission.

To apply, please read the call document below and apply through the Goethe-Application Portal:

For a better understanding of the application process, please find below a template of the online application form. This sample application form cannot be used to apply for Culture Moves Europe. If you would like to submit an application, please visit the Goethe Application Portal.

Call for proposals

Call clarifications

Tagged in:  Creative Europe
Published:  15 Mar 2023

Last updated: