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Pilot Project - Establishing a European Heritage Hub to support a holistic and cost-effective follow-up of the European Year of Cultural Heritage

18 Oct 2022

The main objective of the action to support the establishment of a European Heritage Hub is to:

  • promote a joint action, by pooling cross-sectorial expertise and resources – both public and private – in the cultural heritage sector;
  • promote a holistic and integrated approach to cultural heritage policies at all levels (at EU level and/or transnationally, national and regional levels) and contribute to its implementation, in line with the European Framework for Action published by the European Commission in 2018

Background information

Europe’s cultural heritage in all its diversity bears enormous multiple values to Europe’s citizens and their communities and living environment, both in urban and rural settings.

The role of cultural heritage as a key asset for the future of Europe was highlighted during the European Year of Cultural Heritage in 2018. The Year was an outstanding celebration of Europe’s heritage with a reach of over 18 million people. With its unprecedented mobilisation of heritage actors - both public and private - at all levels and throughout the entire continent, including candidate Member States, the Year clearly demonstrated the potential of cultural heritage to raise citizens’ awareness of and engagement with the European project. The European Year promoted Europe’s shared history and values through a series of activities and events that targeted all groups and especially younger generations.

Building on the outcomes of the Year, the European Commission proposed the first-ever European Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage . The Framework’s aim is to capture and scale-up the success of the European Year of Cultural Heritage and to ensure a lasting impact. As such, it includes an ambitious set of 60 actions.

As part of these actions, the Commission established an expert group on cultural heritage (the Cultural Heritage Expert Group (CHEG)) . This expert group is a platform to:

  • exchange information between the Commission, Member States and stakeholders operating in the area of culture and cultural heritage on questions relating to the development of international, European and national legislations, programmes and policies in the field of Europe’s cultural heritage
  • provide the Commission with experts reports, opinions and analysis regarding to EU legislation, EU funding programmes and policies in the field of Europe’s cultural heritage or having an impact on Europe’s cultural heritage
  • monitor and if needed provide recommendations regarding the implementation of the European Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage, including its five strategic objectives and related clusters of actions
  • bring about an exchange of experience and good practice related to the management of cultural heritage at different levels of governance, with a view to developing a more integrated approach to its safeguarding and valorisation, as well as to ensuring the long-term transmission of its value, and its sustainability

Building on the momentum initiated by the European Year and sustaining the European Framework for Action, it is proposed to set up a ‘European Heritage Hub’, an autonomous advocacy and knowledge platform bringing together a large array of cultural heritage stakeholders, at European, national and above all regional levels. This Heritage Hub will also strengthen the engagement of citizens (especially younger generations) with Europe’s cultural heritage during, and following, the European Year of Youth 2022.

Tagged in:  Protecting cultural heritage
Published:  2 Aug 2022

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