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EUmies Awards Young Talent

The EUmies Awards Young Talent was created in 2016 to highlight outstanding diploma projects of Architecture, Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture students from all over Europe and selected third countries. It is granted every other year.
Young male architect presenting project in front of diverse crowd in conference room

Recognising young architects

The EUmies Awards Young Talent was launched as a complement to the EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture. It aims to support the talent of recently graduated architects, urban planners and landscape architects. The award also wants to acknowledge architecture schools committed to architectural quality as a driving force for sustainable development and quality of life.

Diploma projects are proposed by architecture schools from all over Europe and selected third countries. The winners are selected by an expert jury and receive € 5 000 each, a profile in World Architects and support in the initial stages of their careers.

As they will be responsible for transforming our environment in the future, the awarded graduates will be supported in the creation of a network with established architects and relevant stakeholders/organisations involved in the EUmies Award.

Since 2016, EUmies Awards Young Talent has been included as a "collateral event" during Venice Biennale of Architecture. This also includes a

The EUmies Awards Young Talent is organised by the Foundation Mies van der Rohe with the support of Creative Europe, in partnership with the European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE) and the Architects' Council of Europe (ACE-CAE).

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