2023 European Heritage Awards winners announced
The European Commission and Europa Nostra have announced the winners of the 2023 European Heritage Awards/Europa Nostra Awards.

The annual EU prize for cultural heritage rewards 28 excellent initiatives and outstanding personalities from 20 European countries representing the latest developments and priorities related to heritage policy and practice in Europe.
These are the winners in each category
Conservation & Adaptive Reuse
Steam Engine Brewery, Lobeč, CZECHIA
Friluftsskolen Open-Air School, Copenhagen, DENMARK
Hôtel de la Marine, Paris, FRANCE
Royal Gardens of Venice, ITALY
Museum of Urban Wooden Architecture, Vilnius, LITHUANIA
Wit Stwosz Altarpiece in St. Mary’s Basilica, Kraków, POLAND
Mudéjar Ceilings of the Cathedral of Funchal, Madeira, PORTUGAL
Ruins of the Monastery of San Pedro de Eslonza, Gradefes, SPAIN
Scientific-Archaeological Studies for the Preservation of Ererouyk, ARMENIA/FRANCE
Proto-Industrial Architecture of the Veneto in the Age of Palladio, ITALY
Safeguarding of the Artisanal Fishing Technique “Arte-Xávega”, PORTUGAL
Education, Training & Skills
Carpenters without Borders, Paris, FRANCE
National Centres for Restoration of Historic Vessels, NORWAY
Pathfinders of the Waters, Danube Delta, ROMANIA
Citizens’ Engagement & Awareness-raising
Village Square Meer, Antwerp, BELGIUM
Museum of Literature Ireland (MoLI), Dublin, IRELAND
ALMADA Project, Lisbon, PORTUGAL
Un-archiving Post-industry, UKRAINE
Heritage Champions
Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online (SUCHO), UKRAINE/INTERNATIONAL PROJECT
European Commission Vice-President for Promoting our European Way of Life, Margaritis Schinas, congratulated all the winners:
Each winning achievement of this year’s European Heritage Awards/Europa Nostra Awards is the result of extraordinary skills and commitment, collective and individual, spanning heritage places and traditions across Europe. By honouring these achievements, we also reiterate our firm commitment to protecting our shared cultural heritage, because it is vital for our sense of togetherness as citizens and communities of Europe.
Awards ceremony in September at the European Cultural Heritage Summit
The award ceremony will take place on 28 September in Venice, at the European Cultural Heritage Summit 2023. The summit that Europa Nostra organises with the support of the European Commission, takes place from 27 to 30 September.
Vote on your favourite project for the Public Choice Award
The Grand Prix laureates and the Public Choice Award winner will be announced during the ceremony. These are chosen from this year’s winning projects and are both entitled to receive €10 000 each.
Heritage supporters and enthusiasts are now encouraged to discover the winners and vote online to decide who will win the Public Choice Award 2023.
In addition to the winners above, there are two winning projects from the United Kingdom as well. As they cannot benefit from the EU programme, they are honoured with a separate ‘Europa Nostra Award’.
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