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Culture and Creativity

Published:  5 May 2022

EU Member States support culture and creative industries through their national recovery and resilience plans

Commission publishes analysis on how culture and creative industries benefit from the Recovery and Resilience Facility.

The European Commission has published the Recovery and Resilience Scoreboard thematic analysis on Culture and Creative industries to illustrate the impact of the Recover and Resilience Facility in the sector after the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Overview of EU Member States’ plans

16 out of 22 Member States have included in their recovery and resilience plans a range of reforms and investments to support the resilience of the cultural and creative industries and to drive their green and digital transition.

These measures supporting culture and the creative industries account for around €10 billion, representing approximately 2.3% of the estimated cost of the 22 recovery and resilience plans adopted in 2021. The figure takes into account measures contributing to the cultural sector and partly include measures related to tourism.

Reforms and investments

Various countries have included important legislative reforms, including legislation to improve the status and working conditions of artists and cultural workers or embrace digital and greening opportunities.

Member States have also planned investments to support the digitisation, production and dissemination of content as well as to develop digital skills in the cultural and creative sectors.

Renovations aiming to increase the energy efficiency in cultural heritage buildings and incentives for green and climate-friendly projects by cultural actors are also part of some plans. Other investments will target the competitiveness, innovation and internationalisation of the culture and creative industries.

Several Member States have planned to finance the creation and production of cultural content and the promotion of cultural offerings to foster cultural tourism and increase the attractiveness of the regions.

Other innovative planned actions will enhance access to culture and harness its power for social cohesion and well-being.

The culture and creative industries will also benefit from a larger pool of measures that have a wider policy focus, such as green construction, digitalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises, financial instruments or digital skills trainings of workers  also open to professionals and companies active in the cultural sector.

What Member States have planned

Examples include

  • an Austrian investment fund to accelerate the green transition of the cultural and creative sectors and industries
  • new Czech legislation on the status of the artists
  • various investments in Greece to foster culture as a driver of growth and support inclusion
  • the digitisation of major Spanish cultural institutions
  • schemes to support art creation in France
Published:  5 May 2022

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