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Culture and Creativity

Published:  31 Jul 2024

Updated data: National Recovery and Facility Plans allocate €11.7 billion to culture and creative industries

The measures directly supporting culture and the creative industries in the reviewed national recovery and resilience plans amount to €11.7 billion, representing approximately 2% of the total Recovery and Resilience Facility budget.

Following the revision of the national recovery and resilience plans (NRRPs), the European Commission has tracked the latest developments for culture and the creative industries, including several measures that have been successfully completed. 

As reported in the updated Thematic Analysis of the Recovery and Resilience Scoreboard on Culture and Creative Industries, 18 EU countries have included in their recovery and resilience plans a range of reforms and investments to support the resilience of the cultural and creative industries.

EU countries have planned reforms and investments that target:

  • legislation to improve the status of artists and cultural workers
  • digital and greening opportunities 
  • competitiveness and internationalisation
  • innovative actions to harness the power of culture for social cohesion and well-being

The updated analysis accounts for the culture dedicated measures included in all national recovery and resilience plans, including for the countries whose plans had not been reported in the previous analysis as well for the new measures added in the 2023 revisions, such as the new Spanish instruments to support the Audiovisual Hub Fund and the “New Economy of Language” to promote the economic potential of Spanish and co-official languages. 

Relevant achievements


A reform to develop resilient cultural and creative sectors. Amendments to the ‘Electronic Media and Copyright and Related Rights Law’ entered into force, establishing the effective legal protection of authors of creative, cultural and media content on the Internet.


A reform introducing labour and social security legislation for the cultural and creative sectors to increase the share of declared work, support the industry’s professionals and protect their intellectual property rights. 


A reform to improve the ecological footprint of cultural events by including minimum social and environmental criteria in public procurement tenders for cultural events funded, promoted or organised by public authorities.


A reform to establish a framework for ‘Baukultur’ which combines high quality architecture and built environment taking into account social, ecological, economic and cultural components.

About the Recovery and Resilience Facility

The Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) is a temporary instrument that is the centrepiece of NextGenerationEU -the EU’s plan to emerge stronger and more resilient from the COVID-19 crisis.

About the Recovery and Resilience Facility

The Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) is a temporary instrument that is the centrepiece of NextGenerationEU -the EU’s plan to emerge stronger and more resilient from the COVID-19 crisis.

Published:  31 Jul 2024

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