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Culture and Creativity

Volunteering Teams in high priority areas are large scale, high impact projects. They involve young people from at least two different countries and will be short-term interventions that address common European challenges in policy areas defined each year at the EU level.

Applications can:

  1. Contribute to the improvement of the health and wellbeing of vulnerable people, including those affected by chronic or life-threatening diseases (e.g. cancer);
  2. Contribute to building inclusive societies through protecting vulnerable groups, such as those with drug-alcohol dependence, the elderly and children, migrants, those who are homeless etc. from the impact of Covid-19 impact and other diseases.

Applications can also provide networking and exchange activities to:

  1. Build European cooperation to strengthen the capacity of the solidarity sector to tackle common European challenges, such as health, and the protection of vulnerable groups;
  2. Raise awareness of applicant’s activities and outcomes through campaigns, promotion, information dissemination, and public discussions.
Total budget
€1 billion
2021 - 2027
Grant / loan size
Check for the call for proposals
Who can apply
Any organisation legally established in a programme country or a partner country that holds a valid volunteering Quality Label ( or Erasmus+ volunteering accreditation.

The composition of the volunteering teams must be international, and at least a quarter of the volunteers must come from a country other than the one where the activity takes place.

There are no specific award criteria. The grant amount that is awarded will depend on a number of elements including the available total budget, the activities requested in an application, the amount of grant requested, how the application addresses policy priorities and thematic areas.
No. of partners needed
At least 1
Name of the programme or initiative
Type of support
How to access
Calls for proposals
More info on the programme
Total initiative budget
European Solidarity Corps 2021 call for proposals for reference: €138 million
Sector count
Organisation count
Need count