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Sant’Anna di Stazzema, Stazzema (Italy)

Aerial view of the Ossuary Monument at Sant'Anna di Stazzema

Sant’Anna di Stazzema is a site of remembrance. It is a small village located in the hinterland of the Tuscan Apennines where, on 12 August 1944, one of the most dramatic civilian bloodsheds of World War II took place. Over 500 people, including 130 children, were fiercely killed by an SS Division. This tragic event is commemorated every year. 

Nowadays, Sant'Anna di Stazzema hosts the National Park of Peace, founded in year 2000, with the aim of keeping the memory alive and the purpose of educating the new generation in the values of democracy, justice and respect among people and Nations. 

The Park hosts more than 30,000 visitors on a yearly basis with 250 school visits and it organises debates, workshops and exhibitions focusing on remembrance and peace.

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