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Culture and Creativity


CREATHRIV-EU - Euroclusters for Thriving Creative and Cultural Industries

Euroclusters for Thriving Creative and Cultural Industries is a cross-regional joint cluster initiative funded under the 2021-2027 Single Market Programme (SMP). It aims to strengthen the European Creative and Cultural Industries (CCIs) and bring them back to sustainable growth after the Covid-19 pandemic. 

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Illustration with a robotic hand overimposed on a human hand. The illustration also includes the logo of CREATHRIV-EU and of its partners

CREATHRIV-EU's contribution starts in the CCIs ecosystem. It aims to trigger a spillover and spill-around effect and cross-fertilise with other ecosystems for a more resilient, greener, and digital EU.

It works on two levels: on the one hand, it aims to develop the complex management of the cluster; on the other hand, it offers important support to businesses, both through new and improved services and through direct financing.

For instance, CREATHRIV-EU has launched its first call that awards grants for CCIs SMEs for projects and activities that contribute to

  1. the diversification of products/services/contents based on digital technologies, especially in the heritage, archives and libraries CCI sector
  2. supporting the green transition of the audiovisual & multimedia sector and in performing arts
  3. bridging the skill gaps in the CCIs workforce and supporting greater participation of women
  4. increasing business opportunities through internationalisation and synergies along and across value chains

The project is coordinated by Basilicata Creativa (Italy) and carried out along with 4 clusters in Lithuania, Hungary, Belgium, and Greece.

It was launched in September 2022 and concludes in August 2024.