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Culture and Creativity

The “ACP-EU towards a viable cultural industry” Programme, aims to boost the potential of the cultural and creative sector and its contribution to the social and economic development of the African, Caribbean, and Pacific (ACP) countries. The programme aims to encourage entrepreneurship and cultural innovation, create new jobs and increase artists’ and cultural professionals’ revenues.

The Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL) is a new EU funding programme focused on bringing digital technology to businesses, citizens and public administrations. It provides strategic funding to answer the many challenges we face today with regards to digital technologies and infrastructures. The programme aims to accelerate the economic recovery and shape the digital transformation of Europe’s society and economy, bringing benefits to everyone, but in particular to small and medium-sized enterprises.

The activities under the ‘Widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area’ sub-programme are aimed at promoting the dissemination and exploitation of research results by reinforcing the interaction between education and research. Cultural and creative stakeholders can be involved as partners in research projects aimed at strengthening regional innovation excellence, involving ecosystems of different actors that can spread knowledge and widen participation in the research and innovation process.

Cluster 5, ‘Climate, Energy and Mobility’ supports the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Cultural and creative stakeholders can become involved in:

Cluster 3 projects 'Civil Security for Society', will support the implementation of EU policy priorities relating to security, including cybersecurity, and disaster risk reduction and resilience.

Cultural and creative stakeholders can become involved in:
• Research projects contributing to the fight against trafficking in cultural goods;
• The assessment of disaster risks and vulnerabilities in cultural heritage sites;
• Large cultural events.

Cluster 1, 'Health' aims to creating a stronger, more inclusive and democratic European society. It focuses on the development of key digital emerging technologies, sectors and value chains.

Calls for proposals under the destination ‘Staying healthy in a rapidly changing society’ can involve cultural stakeholders as partners contributing to promote healthier lifestyles and behaviours, and can support effective solutions for health promotion and disease prevention.

Cluster 2, ‘Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society’ aims to meet EU goals and priorities linked to: • Enhancing democratic governance and citizens participation; • Safeguarding and promoting cultural heritage; and • Responding to and shaping social, economic, technological and cultural transformations. Proposals can undertake innovative research on: • Democracy and Governance; • European Cultural Heritage and the Cultural and Creative Industries; • Social and Economic Transformations.

This strand supports projects that focus on protecting, promoting and raising awareness on rights by providing financial support to civil society organisations active at local, regional and transnational level in promoting and cultivating these rights, thereby also strengthening the protection and promotion of Union values and the respect for the rule of law and contributing to the construction of a more democratic Union, democratic dialogue, transparency and good governance.

FARNET is the community of people implementing Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF). This community brings together Fisheries Local Action Groups (FLAGs), managing authorities, citizens and experts from across the EU, to work on the sustainable development of fisheries and coastal areas. In the past, projects related to arts and crafts, as well as cultural heritage have often been supported by this initiative.

The Just Transition Mechanism contributes to enabling regions and people to address the social, employment, economic and environmental impacts of the transition towards the Union’s 2030 targets for energy and climate and a climate-neutral economy of the Union by 2050, based on the Paris Agreement. The Fund is a key tool to support the territories most affected by the transition towards climate neutrality providing them with tailored support.
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