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Fecha de publicación :  31 Mar 2020

Ten new sites awarded with European Heritage Label

The European Commission awarded the European Heritage Label to ten historical sites across the Union.

The European Heritage Label has been awarded to ten new sites that have played a significant role in the history and culture of Europe or the building of the European Union. The awards were announced on 31 March 2020.

These are the new sites awarded in 2020

Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Mariya Gabriel, said:

“I warmly congratulate the ten new sites we have awarded with the European Heritage Label today. They all provide great opportunities for European citizens to connect with their cultural heritage and strengthen their sense of belonging to the European Union.”

What is the European Heritage Label

The European Heritage Label is awarded to sites that are milestones in the creation of today’s Europe. Spanning from the dawn of civilization to the Europe we see today, these sites celebrate and symbolise European ideals, values, history and integration.

The European Heritage Label aims to enhance the understanding and appreciation of the European Union’s shared and diverse heritage, especially amongst the younger generation. It also contributes to strengthening European citizens’ sense of belonging to the Union.

How the European Heritage Label is awarded

A European panel of independent experts from across Europe recommended the ten sites out of 19 pre-selected by participating Member States under the 2019 EU selection.

With the ten new sites awarded in 2020, there are 48 sites in total across Europe.

The European Panel’s report on the 2019 Selection and the Commission Decision are available online for more information about the action.

Tagged in:  Creative Europe
Fecha de publicación :  31 Mar 2020

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