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Culture and Creativity

The Creative Innovation Lab will incentivise players from all cultural and creative sectors to design and test innovative digital solutions with potential positive long-term impact on multiple cultural and creative sectors.

The Lab will facilitate the creation of innovative solutions (e.g. tools, models and methodologies) that can apply to the audiovisual sector and at least another creative and/or cultural sector. Solutions should be easily replicable and have potential for market penetration.

For the purposes of clarity, the project does not necessarily have to be applicable immediately to the audiovisual sector but one that could easily be replicated in this sector.

For the purposes of this year’s call, a thematic approach is also being adopted to ensure that projects that address the policy objectives of Creative Europe are rewarded.

For the first year of the Creative Innovation Lab, the two themes that will be specifically covered are greening across the creative and cultural sectors, and innovative education tools to tackle relevant societal topics such as disinformation.

Total budget
€2.44 billion
2021 - 2027
Grant / loan size
Check for the call for proposals
Who can apply
The proposal must be submitted by a consortium composed of at least 3 legal organisations coming from at least 2 different countries participating in the Creative Europe Programme.
These organisations should present a diverse range of expertise across several cultural and creative sectors, including audiovisual.
Organisations (private companies, non-profit organisations, associations, charities, foundations, municipalities/Town Councils/public authorities, Universities, educational institutions, research centers etc.), established in one of the countries participating in the Creative Europe Programme and owned directly or by majority participation, by nationals from such countries.
When a company is publicly listed, the location of the stock exchange will be taken into account to determine its nationality.
No. of partners needed
Applications by single applicants are allowed (single beneficiaries, as well as proposals submitted by a consortium of at least two applicants.
Name of the programme or initiative
Type of support
How to access
Calls for proposals
Total initiative budget
Creative Innovation Lab - call 2021 for reference: €6.3 million
Sector count
Organisation count
Need count