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Fecha de publicación :  28 Apr 2022

Commission announces 12 new European Heritage Label sites

The European Commission awarded the European Heritage Label to 12 sites that have played a significant role in the history and culture of Europe and the building of the European Union.

From top left to bottom right: Historic Centre of Turaida, Sigulda (Latvia), Aleksandrovo Tomb, Haskovo (Bulgaria), Seminaarinmäki Campus, Jyväskylä (Finland), Ventotene (Italy), Palace of the European Commission of the Danube, Galați (Romania), The Oderbruch, Seelow (Germany)

Independent experts from across Europe recommended the 12 sites out of 21 sites pre-selected by participating Member States under the 2021 EU Selection.

Ten years after the launching of this EU initiative in 2011, this sixth selection year brings to 60 the total number of sites holding the European Heritage Label.

2021 European Heritage Label sites

In 2021, the European Heritage Label is awarded to

Cultural heritage is Europe’s soul. These beautiful sites embody our rich history, they are geographical manifestations of who we are. The European Heritage label sites are amongst the greatest gifts Europe has to offer and it is our duty to preserve them at all costs.

- Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth

Read the 2021 Selection Report

Find out more about the selected sites in the 2021 European Heritage Label Selection Report

Find also the Commission Decision on the adoption of these 12 sites.

About the European Heritage Label

The European Heritage Label aims to enhance people’s, and especially young people’s, understanding and appreciation of the European Union’s shared and diverse heritage while contributing.

The European Heritage Label has proven its relevance in strengthening intercultural dialogue and sense of belonging to the European Union. Subsequently, this EU action is instrumental in increasing local cultural tourism, sustainable economic benefits and community building across Europe.

Tagged in:  Creative Europe
Fecha de publicación :  28 Apr 2022

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