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Culture and Creativity

The purpose of this preparatory action “Writing European” is to help the European audiovisual industry to develop excellence in creating and writing high-quality drama content and foster innovative storytelling. It aims to promote co-writing practices, thereby also enlarging the experience of creative talents working on fiction series.

Media (re)presentation and visibility of vulnerable groups like migrants and refugees remains marginal in the mainstream social media across Europe and with a special consideration of the Ukraine situation. The objective remains to identify ways to promote inclusive social media in Europe, and to help these groups creating their own narratives about the place and role of the refugees and migrants in European societies and communities.

The following activities should be part of the expected actions of the project: 

The objective of the Innovative tools and business models action is to strengthen the competitiveness, scalability and sustainability of the European players, as well as to improve the visibility and availability of European works and increase audiences in the digital environment.

The aim is to support projects focusing on the specific challenges of the audiovisual sector such as discoverability, sequencing of release windows, financing and territoriality in order to enable strong and visible offers of European works online and across borders to a wide public.

A Solidarity Project is a non-profit solidarity activity initiated, developed and implemented by young people themselves for a period from 2 to 12 months. A project involves a group of minimum of five young people to focus on a clearly identified topic which they will explore through daily activities that involve all the members of the group. Solidarity Projects address key challenges within the communities, where relevant including those identified jointly in the border regions and it should also provide clear European added value.

The “ACP-EU towards a viable cultural industry” Programme, aims to boost the potential of the cultural and creative sector and its contribution to the social and economic development of the African, Caribbean, and Pacific (ACP) countries. The programme aims to encourage entrepreneurship and cultural innovation, create new jobs and increase artists’ and cultural professionals’ revenues.

The EIT’s Knowledge and Innovation Communities are partnerships that bring together businesses, research centres and universities and which aim to strengthen their cooperation and create favourable environments for creative thought processes and innovation to flourish. The communities contribute to developing innovative products and services, starting new companies and training a new generation of entrepreneurs. The EIT Culture and Creativity community will deliver innovative solutions to help the sectors and industries become stronger and more resilient.

Cluster 2, ‘Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society’ aims to meet EU goals and priorities linked to: • Enhancing democratic governance and citizens participation; • Safeguarding and promoting cultural heritage; and • Responding to and shaping social, economic, technological and cultural transformations. Proposals can undertake innovative research on: • Democracy and Governance; • European Cultural Heritage and the Cultural and Creative Industries; • Social and Economic Transformations.

Funding is available for planning and organising events that can bring together cultural heritage professionals and researchers. This can involve conferences, workshops, series of seminars, Summer/Autumn/Winter/Spring schools and training activities.

Applications must:

Projects promote rights, non-discrimination, equality, including gender equality, and advance gender and non-discrimination mainstreaming. Projects can be either national or transnational.

Projects also prevent and combat inequalities and discrimination on grounds of sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation.

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