The New European Bauhaus initiative aims to develop a creative and interdisciplinary movement that connects the European Green Deal to the everyday life of the EU citizens. The initiative is being co-designed through the direct involvement of citizens, experts, businesses, and Institutions and it aims to:
The Invest EU SME window facilitates access to and availability of finance primarily for SMEs and small mid-cap companies, including innovative ones and those operating in the cultural and creative sectors, as well as for small mid-cap companies. In addition, it offers capital support to SMEs that were not in difficulty in State aid terms already at the end of 2019, but since then face significant risks due to the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Every year, the European Commission implements Pilot Projects (PP) and Preparatory Actions (PA) at the request of the European Parliament. The list changes on an annual basis. These actions sometimes target the news media and creative sectors.
The following actions are expected to be launched in 2024 for support in 2025:
The Multimedia Actions aim to strengthen news reporting on EU affairs from European perspectives. They help ensure citizens are aware of the decisions taken by the EU institutions and other topics that affect them at European level. The supported media have their independence contractually guaranteed, so that they can work without interference.
The Commission publishes annual financing decisions, constituting the annual work programme for the implementation of Multimedia Actions. In 2024, three actions will be launched for support in 2025:
The objective of the MEDIA 360° support is to exploit synergies among existing ecosystems, to develop further cooperation potential, to reach economies of scale across different supported activities, create impact across the value-chain. The action shall support a package of activities related to facilitating the creation and promotion of European content, and/or the uptake of new technologies or business models for the audiovisual sector.
The objective of the Markets & networking support is to enhance the promotion of European content in the global market and to foster cooperation among all parts of the audiovisual value chain for the co-creation and promotion of European audiovisual works. Cooperation of audiovisual professionals and promotion of European works are pursued by supporting two types of projects and activities:
• Markets focusing on a specific type of films and innovative content, or networking of markets that present similar genre/topics or are located in the same region;
Media (re)presentation and visibility of vulnerable groups like migrants and refugees remains marginal in the mainstream social media across Europe and with a special consideration of the Ukraine situation. The objective remains to identify ways to promote inclusive social media in Europe, and to help these groups creating their own narratives about the place and role of the refugees and migrants in European societies and communities.
The following activities should be part of the expected actions of the project:
The objective of the European mini-slate development support is to foster the competitiveness of European independent production companies in countries with a low audiovisual capacity (LCC group A and LCC group B) and to increase their economic weight on the market.
Support will be given to European festivals programming a significant proportion of non-national European audiovisual works, aiming at year-long activities targeted to expand and renew audiences and implementing innovative audience outreach activities as well as initiatives for young audiences. |
The Films on the Move action shall encourage and support the wider distribution of recent non-national European films by encouraging sales agents and theatrical distributors in particular to invest in promotion and adequate distribution of non-national European films.