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European Networks of Cultural and Creative Organisations

7 Mar 2024

The "support to European Networks of Cultural and Creative Organisations" action intends to enhance the capacities of European cultural and creative sectors to face common challenges and nurture talents, innovate, prosper and generate jobs and growth.

This action will support projects implemented by highly representative, multi-country, membership-based networks of European cultural organisations, which cover a wide range of Creative Europe participating countries.

European networks exclusively covering the audiovisual sector are not eligible for funding under this action.

Proposals should consistently demonstrate the applicants’ potential to be reliable policy networks in their field(s) of operation. For this, proposals should meet the following themes and priorities and be structured around work packages.


Proposals should address the following specific call priorities:

  • Artists and cultural professionals: empowering the cultural and creative sectors
  • Culture for the people: enhancing cultural participation and the role of culture in society
  • Culture for the planet: unleashing the power of culture
  • Culture for co-creative partnerships: strengthening the cultural dimension of EU external relations
  • Culture for digital transformation: help the European cultural and creative sectors to fully take advantage of new technologies to enhance their competitiveness
Tagged in:  Creative Europe
Data publikacji:  22 Nov 2023