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Culture and Creativity

The European co-development action shall support the cooperation among European production companies in developing a single project for commercial exploitation intended for cinema release, television broadcasting or commercial exploitation on digital platforms or a multi-platform environment in the following categories: animation, creative documentary or fiction.

Support will be given to the development of works and prototypes of interactive narrative storytelling with original content and/or quality gameplay intended for production and global commercial exploitation via PCs, consoles, mobile devices, tablets, smartphones and other technologies.

The Films on the Move action shall encourage and support the wider distribution of recent non-national European films by encouraging sales agents and theatrical distributors in particular to invest in promotion and adequate distribution of non-national European films.

The activities to be funded are campaigns for the pan-European theatrical and/or online distribution of eligible European films, coordinated by the sales agent of the film.

The European Film Sales support shall encourage and support the wider transnational distribution of recent European films by providing funds to European sales agents, based upon their performance on the market, for further reinvestment in the acquisition, promotion and distribution (including online) of recent non-national European films.

There are two phases for the funded activities:

The objective of the European slate development support is to foster the competitiveness of European independent production companies and to increase their economic weight on the market. The aim is also to increase the capacity of audiovisual producers to develop projects with potential to circulate throughout Europe and beyond, and to facilitate European and international co-production.

The objective is to support initiatives promoting audience development and engagement, including film education activities, addressing in particular young audiences.

Projects ensuring pan-European cooperation and providing innovative projects, especially using new digital tools aiming at:

The objective of the Innovative tools and business models action is to strengthen the competitiveness, scalability and sustainability of the European players, as well as to improve the visibility and availability of European works and increase audiences in the digital environment.

The aim is to support projects focusing on the specific challenges of the audiovisual sector such as discoverability, sequencing of release windows, financing and territoriality in order to enable strong and visible offers of European works online and across borders to a wide public.

The objective of the support to TV and online content is to increase the capacity of audiovisual producers to develop and produce strong projects with significant potential to circulate throughout Europe and beyond, and to facilitate European and international co-productions within the television and online sector.

The “ACP-EU towards a viable cultural industry” Programme, aims to boost the potential of the cultural and creative sector and its contribution to the social and economic development of the African, Caribbean, and Pacific (ACP) countries. The programme aims to encourage entrepreneurship and cultural innovation, create new jobs and increase artists’ and cultural professionals’ revenues.

The EIT’s Knowledge and Innovation Communities are partnerships that bring together businesses, research centres and universities and which aim to strengthen their cooperation and create favourable environments for creative thought processes and innovation to flourish. The communities contribute to developing innovative products and services, starting new companies and training a new generation of entrepreneurs. The EIT Culture and Creativity community will deliver innovative solutions to help the sectors and industries become stronger and more resilient.

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