The CROSS SECTORAL strand shall promote cross-sectoral activities that aim at adjusting to the structural and technological changes faced by the media, including enhancing a free, diverse, and pluralistic media environment, quality journalism and media, literacy including in the digital environment.
This call will address media challenges and opportunities of trans-national nature.
It will support organisations active in media insetting up supporting schemes for news media organisations and independent journalism, as well as other capacity-building measures. These actions, notably third-party support, will target media active in sectors of special relevance to democracy and civic participation, such as local and regional media, community media, independent and investigative journalism and other organisations delivering public interest news.
a. have recent proven experience in implementing media-related activities;
b. have recent proven experience in awarding and managing grants/or funds, in particular in the media sector.
Other entities may participate in other consortium roles, such as associated partners, subcontractors, third parties giving in-kind contributions, etc (see section 13).